Teachers and educators from all disciplines and sectors are invited to join Bundanon’s Learning team to experience Bundanon’s newest exhibition and enjoy art making activities related to the season.
After a visit to the Art Museum to experience the bagan bariwariganyan: echoes of country exhibition, teachers and educators will come together to participate in the artmaking workshop. These events are also an opportunity to meet Bundanon’s Learning team and to find out more about Bundanon’s extensive learning programs.
Session Times: Thursday 7 November (4pm-6pm) or Saturday 9 November (2pm-4pm)
Looking Workshop
Learners will respond directly to Aunty Cheryl Davison’s invitation to ‘closely observe colour’, by closely observing the many and changing colours, lines and textures of eucalyptus leaves found on the ground.
Using a palette of red, yellow, black and white acrylic paints, learners will collaboratively play with colour mixing to identify a vast range of possible colours to use. Individually, learners will paint a leaf, scaled to fit an A3 page, using the same palette to illustrate its rich colouration and unique characteristics.
Bundanon Learning
Bundanon is a learning landscape for all ages. Programs are inspired by the exhibitions, Collection, First Nations culture and connection to Country, the changing resident artists, and the natural and built environments.